Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Captain's Peace VII

Since George was a trusted family friend, he and Annabel were allowed to go on walks occasionally together even when the chaperon was feeling poorly and couldn't come along. These were the most useful time for them to talk and happened more often then they would have normally because the chaperon was getting older and not up to the job of keeping up with Annabel. On one such walk they went past the building that was their target and George could feel his stomach sink. He supposed that Annabel thought that since he couldn't read or speak French he wouldn't realize that they were going to be breaking into a prison. There was something about prisons however that was universal and though George kept his mouth shut he began to wonder what other unpleasant surprises he was going to receive.

They were not going to stay in France forever, Annabel had assured George that they weren't going to do anything until it was almost time to go, that way they could get out before enough evidence piled up against them. George asked why they weren't going to do it the night before they left or something but Annabel explained to him that the British government wanted her to possibly go back to France again, and leaving as soon as a crime was committed would make her guilty without a doubt. They were going to have to play this very carefully. Besides that they needed an event that would allow them to be gone for a long period of time without being missed by the others. That was even trickier to find. By asking the banker about what there was to do in their remaining days they finally found out about a ball being held by some friends of his and convinced the others to go.

The day of the ball George would have sworn that he had never been so nervous in his life, and that included all of the days before battle. This held much of the same risks but unlike war he wasn't wearing a uniform and he wasn't in a large group for protection. Those two factors had always made him face death with a certain amount of bravado that was now missing. Annabel on the other hand was calm and collected as near as George could tell while she gave him his final instructions. He admired her all the more for it, it made her seem more then human, like she was the greatest person on earth.

Getting dressed for a ball that he knew he wasn't actually going to attend made the entire day even more surreal for George. He had all of his fancy clothing on, pale in comparison to what Alexander was wearing, but underneath it he was wearing practical work clothing and he had a pistol hidden in one of the pockets. George supposed that he could be thankful that fashion allowed him to wear his military sword at his hip even though he was going to be dancing. It was agreed that military gentlemen were to be allowed their weapons and that gave him the excuse to have one. Time dragged on for George though, once he was ready all that was left for him to do was fret and check, and then check again, to make sure that all was in place. Once their time of departure arrived it was a whirlwind however, with Annabel at the center and George simply caught up in it.

“Alexander, I can't find my necklace anywhere, and I am not going anywhere without it, I would be ashamed to be seen in this dress without good jewelry,” Annabel said, running down the steps after Alexander and George, who were already on their way to the carriage. George could see Alexander's face fall, he loved a ball as much as Annabel pretended to. Alexander was a splash in French society and George was sure that he had an appointment already made with some young woman for that night that this was disturbing. Of course that was all part of the plan.

“I suppose we will have to help you look for it,” said Alexander in a resigned voice. “Have you asked Mrs. Hatthorn if she's seen it?”

“She's been taken poorly again and I can't stand to bother the poor dear,” Annabel lied beautifully. In truth the chaperon had been told that she wouldn't be needed that night because of the ball that Alexander and George would both be at, and had decided to stay in her room and read for the night.

“Tell you what,” said George a little too quickly for his own liking, though Alexander didn't seem to notice, “why don't you go along. Who knows how long this will take and we don't all have to suffer. You take this carriage and we'll take a cab after you when we've found the necklace. I don't much care for balls you know so I won't be missing anything if I stay here for a bit and help Annabel.”

To be continued...

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