Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Little Chicken IV

In retrospect it would have been the wisest course of action to return to where they would come and save me the moment I got a sign of the light going out but I thought that I had some time. Every light I had ever had would go more and more dim before finally going out, giving you plenty of warning and a chance to look around a little more. In this case the light was not so polite, it went out suddenly and I was a good distance from where I should have been with no way of knowing exactly where it was.

I started to wander blindly, it was dangerous I knew, but I had to get back to where they could find me easily. I kept having a mental image of them give up on me and me being trapped in the dark silence forever. Off in some far corner of the cavern where they would never think to look and I wouldn't be able to hear them. I sat down, this close to the hole I decided, they would be sure to find me when they looked even if I wasn't instantly visible, something I wasn't sure of. For all I knew at this point I was right under the hole and just couldn't tell it.

My resolve not to move until rescued was shattered when I saw the shimmer of blue light at the end of the cavern. I suspect now that I had only sat there for fifteen minutes or so but at the time it seemed as if it had been at least an hour. At that point I had been tense for so long in the dark that I welcomed any light that there was, even if it was a bluish color. I went towards it without even really thinking about what I was doing just because it was light. I would have walked into the mouth of a lion if it glowed at that point.

I walked for far longer then I thought I was going to. The light had seemed far away even when I had been sitting down but now that I was walking it didn't seem to get any closer. A couple of times I ran into a wall and had to go around it. As I groped through the gaps in the wall I started to realize that it wasn't just a gap, it was a doorway. Just as the cavern had been man made, so it seemed was the section was in now. That comforted me somewhat, it meant at least the part I was in had lasted this long and the ceiling had been shored up at least at one time.

Finally I reached a doorway that was filled with light so completely that I had no doubts that I had reached my destination. I peered into the light and saw a figure was the source of the light. It was sitting on a throne in the middle of the room. I finally decided to enter the room, having come this far it seemed ridiculous that I should be afraid to actually confront what I had come to confront. Even if it was a large, glowing blue figure.

To be continued...

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