Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Little Chicken V

The figure was trapped in the chair I noticed. What I had taken to be it shifting was in fact it thrashing against it's bonds, which had firmly secured it to the chair. I could see it's body shift as it struggled but every time it shifted the bonds shifted as well. The glowing blue being could not escape no matter how much it struggled and it seemed as if with time it had given up completely on the idea of escaping really and was now only trying half heartedly out of habit.

Knowing that it was restrained bolstered my courage greatly and I walked into the room more or less fearlessly. At least with much less fear then I had felt since I had fallen through the hole in the tunnel. The creature stared at me, or at least I think it did, I couldn't really see any eyes but I felt an intense focus on me of some sort. I wanted to say something but I wasn't even sure if it was intelligent or not. If it wasn't intelligent I would feel like a fool for trying to engage it in conversation, what ever it was.

“Now why would anyone trap you?” I settled on finally. If it was intelligent I would get an answer from it, if it wasn't intelligent then I could write off my question as having been rhetoric. I couldn't have possibly guessed the reaction my words were going to have on the figure however. It began to grow, and as it grew it's shape changed. Now it was huge, it's seat having grown with it, until I was standing in front of a seated giant. It was human shaped now however, and human looking, if you could ignore the fact that it was a mix of black and blue, and glowed slightly. It opened it's mouth and made a grunt.

“This trap was built a long time ago,” the figure said finally, after a couple more grunts. It was as if it had to get used to it's new voice.

“But why?” I asked. “And what are you?”

“I'm the sky. The people who lived here a long time ago looked up at me and realized that I was large and thought me a solid. They thought they would be able to eat me and they sought to capture me because they suffered large famines.” The sky, if that was truly what it was, explained to me.

“The sky fell only a couple years ago, that wasn't a long time ago and there were no famines at the time,” I pointed out.

“Their magic was never completed. They all died out before they could finish the spell because of how complex the spell is and the hunger in the land as well as a drought that plagued them. The land then covered their civilization and I thought myself safe. I hadn't thought about the one remaining aspect of the spell and how dangerous it was for me. What they had needed was a pool full of clean fresh water, something that couldn't be had in their drought blighted land. It is to be had when water drips through the ground and slowly falls into the cavern however. The pool filled finally and I was suddenly dragged down to this room that they had built so long ago with no warning and completely against my will.”

“You're trying to tell me that they sky has been captured, that's why it fell?” I asked. I was having a hard enough time believing that that part of the story was true, let alone the idea that what I was talking to was the sky. The sky simply nodded gravely and after everything I had seen I didn't actually have the energy to think of something to dispute this idea. Belief hadn't been triggered but I had resigned myself to the idea that it was an odd day that wasn't going to get any less odd with time for all appearances.

To be continued...

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