Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Neriena Wordsmith IV

At first Neriena blew off the rumors that were going around about her being female, she didn't think that anyone would believe him. Having been a sailor she should have known better, sailors were as a lot a very superstitious group. Rumor quickly became fact in everyone's mind even though they had no proof of her gender either way. Once the crew got to this point Neriena could feel her power slipping away, no one was listening to her anymore, owner and captain or not, no one was going to take orders from a woman.

With her power completely undermined her first mate naturally gained power. He would tell her, when he told her to get out of the captain's cabin that it was no longer her place, that the entire reason he has signed on the ship was because he knew he could take her ship. It was at that point that Neriena snapped, she had decided that she wouldn't fight the mutiny but all it took was her first mate gloating and she couldn't keep her temper. Legal action had been the first thing on her mind but with rage filling her mind she simply pounced.

The first mate was a tactical person, devious, but he had always been an officer and had always gone after the weak. He had considered his unsuspecting female captain to be one of the weak, and therefore he hadn't prepared himself for a physical attack. He never had a chance, she had kept her habit from when she had been a sailor of always keeping a knife on her. Standing over his body Neriena knew that she was in trouble, she had now officially murdered someone and there was no way for her to cover it up. The moment that she stepped onto a port she knew that she would be arrested. Very calmly she stood up, and decided to do something.

The crew, which had known what the first mate was going in to do, was crowded around the cabin door. Not a few of them were shocked when their captain came out dressed in a kimono and her hair down long for the first time they had ever seen. The discrepancies in this appearance was the blood splattered across her face and the weapons in her hands. A blood stained knife in one, and a pistol in the other, another pistol was jammed into her sash. The pistol was pointed out at the crew. The crew had nothing that they could do, weapons weren't available to the common sailors, the most any of them had was a knife. All the guns and cutlasses were locked in the captain's cabin and Neriena was holding the only key.

With the crew at gun point she ordered someone to go into her cabin and clean up what was left of the first mate. It made a gruesome example to be dragged out on deck for all to see. She let him lay there for a few minutes, not saying anything else, and then ordered it thrown overboard like trash. That was when she announced they were turning pirate. Everyone was so shocked that there were hardly any arguments. It helped that she spent the entire night pacing in front of the forecastle with both pistols at ready making sure to walk heavily so they could hear that she was their. She knew psychological warfare, and she was good at it.

To be continued...

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