Saturday, February 28, 2009

Alwilda VI

Alwilda carefully wrapped her head with a cloth so that only her eyes were visible. It had become her habit after she realized that one of the reasons people didn’t take her seriously when she was robbing them was because she looked like a young girl. The cloth not only hid this but also added mystery and intimidation to her appearance.

No sooner did the ships meet then the fighting began, there was no talk between the crews, as there generally was. It went straight to open war. Neither crew had any interest but to board the other ship and the battle raged back and forth between both ships.

Alwilda instantly headed for the prow of the enemy ship where the man who was obviously in charge stood. She recognized him of course, Prince Alf, the man who she was supposed to marry. This didn’t prevent her from trying to kill him. They had only met the once and she hadn’t really thought much of his so there was nothing to prevent her from swinging at him with full force behind her sword. He met her with a drawn sword and a resigned look on his face. From his appearance, he looked like he was half asleep even as she charged at him, she hadn’t expected him to be much of a fight but he gave her an unpleasant surprise. He was able to counter every one of her moves skillfully and even attacked in ways that she had difficulty evading.

He was more skilled then she was with a sword. Alwilda wasn’t stupid, she realized this fairly quickly. She was spending much more of her time avoiding his attacks then attacking him. It was only as his sword sped towards her head that she realized just how much better he was then she was however. She managed to avoid getting more then a nick to her face but it also cut the covering on her face. He actually dropped his sword and for the first time she saw him with an expression other the boredom on his face.

“Alwilda?” he asked her. She swung her sword around so that its point rested at his throat but he didn’t even blink. He was far too busy staring at her face with an expression of wonder.

“They told my father that you were sick and confined to bed so the marriage had to be postponed,” he continued when she didn’t say anything. His voice was still full of awe.

“I’m afraid my father sometimes lies to save face. As you can see I won’t exactly be a suitable bride for you. We’ll be leaving now. Everyone stop fighting!” Alwilda yelled behind her. She withdrew her sword and sheathed it.

“Hold on, please,” Prince Alf said grabbing her sleeve. “I said nothing about you being a bad bride. You have no idea, I had no idea I should say. You acted so prime and proper when I met you.”

“Do you know how many lectures on etiquette I had to listen to before we met?” Alwilda asked dryly.

“You too? I think you might be more suited to be my bride then any other that my father is likely to pick me. Won’t you reconsider?” He wasn’t begging, his voice didn’t have a single note of pleading, but one look in his eyes and Alwilda could tell he was being sincere.

All around them both crews had gathered and when Alwilda looked around they started cheering. When faced with that cheering mass of people who she knew really cared about her there was no way that she could blow off Alf’s proposal.

“I suppose father might have been right, about this at least,” Alwilda said, putting her hand in Alf’s.

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