Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ice Man II

The man in ice didn’t seem to notice Martha’s father’s hand at all, he continued advancing on Martha, Martha continued to shrink back until she was all the way up next to the bus driver. Her sister was with her, their feud was forgotten in the face of fear.

“You kids can’t be up here,” the driver told them; he obviously hadn’t been paying a lot of attention to what had been going on behind him.

“But a man’s chasing us,” Martha told him. The bus driver looked up in his rearview mirror just in time to see Martha’s father try to get between the man in ice and his children. Her father was pushed aside like he was nothing. Still the man kept advancing, the sound of dripping and water splattered on the bus aisle followed him.

“Sir, will you please return to your seat,” the buss driver said nervously.

Still the man in ice advanced towards the front of the bus. By now everyone else on the bus had gotten nervous enough that several of them stood up to block the man’s path now. The man swatted them down like bugs; he wasn’t even trying to hide his violent intentions now. While it didn’t do a lot of good it did give Martha’s father the chance to slip past the struggle and make it up to the front of the bus with his daughters. Behind them a man tried to hit the man in ice only to find that he was untouchable because of the layer of ice that surrounded him.

“Let us off here, we need to get away from this guy,” Martha’s father said, the bus driver nodded and slowed the bus to a stop.

“But how’ll we get home?” Martha asked her father as the bus doors swung open.

“We’ll worry about that later,” he told her and pushed her down the steps of the bus ahead of him. He was carrying her sister now for faster movement. As soon as they were off the bus the driver swung the doors closed and started the bus. As the bus pulled away they could already hear him radioing for help. For only a moment Martha felt relief, very short lived as the man in ice came punching through the back window of the bus and hitting the road in front of them. He was still unharmed and while he wasn’t quick he was slow and robotic acting which was if anything scarier. He had all of the inevitable destruction behind him as an iceberg.

The fact that the man couldn’t move fast was taken advantage of by Martha and her family those next few hours. First they were running, while he was just walking, so they soon lost sight of him. They knew better then to think that he wouldn’t follow them though. Second they were eventually able to find another road and hitch a ride into town when they were sure that no one would pick up such a frightening looking man. They had left the man long behind by the time that they reached the outskirts of the city and caught a taxi the rest of the way home.

Martha was still nervous, even though her father told her that there was no way for the man in ice to know where they lived, he was still nervous too; he locked the door as soon as they were inside of the house. Martha ran around the entire house turning on all of the lights while her sister locked all of the windows, it made them both feel better and their father didn’t say anything. First were the lights in the living room, then the dining room, the kitchen, the bathroom, the girl’s bedroom, finally she switched on the light to her father’s bedroom. As she switched on the light the window was illuminated, with the man in ice’s grinning face pressed to it.

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