Thursday, August 27, 2009

Devil Linda IX

“I want to be able to see people’s pasts like you do. You are the one who grants us our power am I right?” Linda asked timidly. She had just sort of assumed that it was until now but now doubt was starting to fill her. If she was wrong and was asking for something it couldn’t do she wondered what its reaction would be. Would it punish her for asking the impossible.

“To what use would you put this power if you had it. You are human no matter what position I have placed you. There are some powers better not in the hands of humans.” Linda relaxed a little more. It wasn’t angry with her, it wasn’t willing to just hand power over to her, but it wasn’t angry and that was a great relief.

“I want to be just; I know that isn’t part of being the devil but it is something that I want more then anything else. I am fine with being part of a punishment system, but I only want to be punishing people who deserve it. I have no way to do that; I hear you are able to read people’s pasts, so I beg you for that ability, so that I can do my job in a better way.”

“I am not all powerful, I have powers but I can only get so many away, and every time I do I am no longer able to use them myself. The power that you ask for is one that I want to keep myself. It is extremely valuable to me. Do you know why I chose humans for your post and for god’s?”

“Because humans change and so must heaven and hell,” recited Linda, from her lessons from Dante.

“That is a part of it but it isn’t all of it. There is also your adaptability. I could have created a separate species, one that evolved with humans and had all of the powers that you have now. But there was a problem with that; humans are the most adaptable creatures on this earth. Any problems you are faced with you find a solution. That is what I am counting on. I trust that I will not have to give up any more of my power to you because you will find a way to live without it.” The light began to fade and Linda realized that she had one last question.

“Why have you never appeared to me before? And Dante said he had never seen you before.”

“Because you are the only one, besides two devils a long, long time ago who called me while I was within hearing. I can see everything that happens but my ears do not go as far as my eyes.” And with that the shining light was gone forever and everything was back to normal. Linda picked up her phone and called her mother.

“Mom, I am going to be sleeping over at a friend’s house. Yeah, that’s right, don’t expect me for dinner.” Then she sat down and had a good long think.

When Dante came in to work the next day he found Linda still sitting at her desk, staring at the wall. That had never happened before, not in the whole time that she had been the devil. The old man that he had worked under before had never worked all night either; he had gone to bed fairly early in fact.

“You aren’t going to be my second in command anymore Dante,” was the first thing out of Linda’s lips. He looked at her in horror so she continued. “You are too smart to be my second in command. You deserve something that puts your leadership to use. From now on you are the leader of the new department I am forming; it’s going to need someone with experience and brains.”

“I am honored but what kind of department is it?”

To be continued...

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