Saturday, August 29, 2009


It is easier for those of us who don't live forever, I do however and I just have to deal with it. People like the devil, I think her name is Linda these days, it's so hard to keep track, and the god, have it much easier then I do. Gravity is forever and therefore doesn't age and die like they do. My position is made even awkward since no one really understands why there should be a personification of gravity, and that includes me. I suspect most of the time that I am the Supreme Being's idea of a joke and the thought does not comfort me at all.

I was one of the first ones created, I am one of the old ones. I never have to change, I just sort of wander the earth and wonder if anything interesting will happen. Of course like all of us, I have my own kingdom, but mine is lonely and deep in the earth and I try to spend as little time there as possible. While the earths surface seems to change constantly and even as I go out for a walk another generation seems to disappear, that is actually what keeps me interested. If it stayed the same I think I would soon grow bored with it and go crazy.

I now know better then to get involved with the affairs of humans too much. If I meet an interesting one I might settle down for a while, but that never lasts long since a human lifespan is so fleeting compared to what I have already lived. At one time I chose to get involved though. Soon after humans were placed on this earth and they will still of interest to me. That was back before there was a devil and a god and it was just me and the other old ones.

It all started with a gathering of me and the other old ones, though back then we were still young and stupid and still got along with one another. Now we don't have any dealings with one another because when the old ones fight the world suffers, and we fight a lot these days. But as I said, this was back in the days when everything was young and we still gathered every few years to talk and show off. It was at such a meeting, deep in the primal woods of Germany, that I made the mistake of bragging a stupid boast.

“You are all talking about how powerful you are but I am stronger then all of you. Nothing is more powerful then the power of attraction, I could pull you all into the ground and there would be no way for you to defend yourselves against me,” I announced. “Particularly you, Time, these new human creatures might think of you as powerful but your powers are absolutely useless on any of us, and we're the ones you should be trying to get respect from.”

“You leave Time alone,” snapped Wind. She had a crush on Time and had, in a very obvious way, for the last couple of centuries.

“Or you'll do what? Blow me away?” I asked, laughing mockingly. “You forget that I can make myself far to heavy for your little breezes to bother me. Your powers are about as useless on me as Time's are.

“You are going to start causing problems,” said Growth.

“Let's face it,” I said ignoring her. “All of your powers only affect the lesser beings. My power is the only one that can affect all of you. Therefore I am the one that all of you should be looking up to. The only person more powerful then me is the Supreme Being.”

“These humans that have been around recently I think are the new bases of power. They are smart and the Supreme Being seems to favor them. Rather then looking at whether or not we affect one another we should be looking at how we affect them. Their favor can make us far more important then we are now,” said Future. “If you want respect then look to them for it.” Future was living up to his name and now I know this, but at the time this seemed like empty talk from yet another person that had no affect on me. Personifications have no future, I thought I knew that then but I didn't truly appreciate it. Now I really know it, personifications have no future.

To be continued...


  1. Are you working on another novel? Linda seems very popular these days.

  2. Nope, no novel. I just thought it was fun having crossover characters in stories with simular sorts of situations. In other words they are in the same world.
