Friday, March 6, 2009

Please Respond III

Missing persons report for Caroline:

Name: Caroline C. Blake

Age: 27

DOB: 4/6/1973

Gender: Female

Race: White

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Brown

Height: 5’6”

Weight: 120

Missing from: Howard County, Missouri

Please contact: The Howard County Police Department at XXX-XXX-XXXX

Details: Caroline was last seen leaving her home by a neighbor, carrying a small bag and nothing else. She was seen to walk down the street and hasn’t been seen since. She was reported missing by her husband two days after that when she didn’t return.

Clipping from the Howard Times:

The search continues for an area woman who disappeared last month. Caroline Blake (27) left her house and never returned. She had been showing some signs of depression previously and some people expect the worst. Both volunteers and police have not given up hope yet however and are requesting that anyone with information come forward.

A letter received by Jonathon from Caroline’s mother:

Dear Jonathon,

I know this must be as hard for you as it is for me. Every day I wait by the phone, expecting some news, but none comes. It seems like every night I dream that she has been found, so nights she’s fine, other nights she’s dead in a ditch somewhere, or drowned in a lake. Do you really think she was depressed enough to kill herself? I know she said that she wasn’t really all that happy, but do you think it was that bad? The police have been asking me about it. They have read all of her letters to me, have they asked for all of the ones that you got from her as well?

The police, and the reporters, seem to blame you in part for my daughter’s actions. I would like to let you know that I don’t think you hold any of the blame. Caroline has always been moody and driven by her whims. Her moods are (I almost wrote were, and I hope that isn’t the case) very changeable and I know that you couldn’t watch her at every moment. She is an adult, she should be held responsible for her own actions.

In such hard and stressful times as these I feel better when I talk to you. At least you know what I am going through; you and my husband are the only ones. Some people show sympathy, but it’s just not the same.


Janet Yeats

A postcard received by Jonathon:

Dear Jonathon,

I suppose I have made you worry, I am sorry for that. I have seen the posters around with my picture on them a couple of places. Please stop looking for me, I’m fine, and I look nothing like those pictures anymore anyway. I just needed a change. Maybe I’ll come back someday, if I feel like it. I know this is unfair to you but I guess I’m just a selfish person. Please don’t respond,


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